Net worth contributions: definition and explanation

Net worth contributions: definition and explanation

Net worth contributions: definition and explanation In Canada and Quebec, the tax system is based on the principle of self-declaration and self-assessment. This means that it is the taxpayer himself who undertakes to submit his tax return and pay the amount of tax...
An estate lawyer: your aid when in an estate battle

An estate lawyer: your aid when in an estate battle

An estate lawyer: your ally when in a complex estate battle In some cases, dealing with an estate can be complex. The services of a lawyer specialized in estate settlement are therefore highly recommended if you sense that the agreement between the heirs is likely to...
Breach of contract: your recourse

Breach of contract: your recourse

Breach of contract: your recourse You’ve just signed a contract and find that the other party isn’t honouring its commitments? When negotiation is difficult, it’s best to contact a lawyer who will try to find common ground, or take the matter to...